Latitude 36 Charities was created to help serve the Northwest Arkansas Parrot Head Club in its charitable causes.
Latitude 36 Charities is incorporated in the State of Arkansas. A 501c3.
Latitude 36 charities and the Northwest Arkansas Parrot Head Club are proud to support many local and national causes.
NWA Contributions of time, money and supplies have been made to:
Fraternal Order of Police
Komen Foundation
For Pet’s Sake
Lions Diabetes Awareness
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation
NWA Children’s Shelter
Humane Society
Circle of Life
Horses for Healing
Peace at Home Family Shelter
Northwest arkansas Cystic Fibrosis foundation
Souls Harbor
Our primary fundraiser (Beach House)
we chose a Charity every year and keep it local
in the community! This is a public event
but once you know us you will want to join us!!